Tagged: benefits


A beetroot is a vegetable with deep purple roots. These can be eaten raw or cooked, and the green leafy part of the beet is also edible. The beetroot contains a unique group of...


Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a flowering plant (tree) that is mainly found in parts of Africa, Asia and the tropics. It is also known as the Drumstick Tree or Indian Horseradish Tree – although there...


Lomatium is a herb related to the carrot and celery family, and is native to the western part America (USA). It is also commonly known as indian parsley, indian carrot, desert parsley and biscuit root. In...


Cherries come in many varieties – such as Dark Red or Yellow cherries. Certain types may posses superfood qualities. Montmorency cherries are the ones that have the most medicinal value. They posses anti-inflammatory qualities, are...